We all have habits and we generally feel good about them. They gradually develop their existence and can contribute to a healthy and productive life, according to Gretchen Rubin. She calls herself ‘hives expert’ and has immersed himself in this phenomenon. Then the question arises at how habits arisen how you get rid of the less pleasant habits.

Habits, what is that?

According to the dictionaries, habit wants to say the following: ‘supuse, greed or better yet … doing what one is used to do.’

The Principles of Rubin

The American (from Kanses City) Rubin uses as one of the starting points for happiness that habits give a sense of happiness. She has done extensive research into this, is working daily with all aspects of happiness, but can also come out of the corner unexpectedly and respond reasonably contrarian to now established items.

For example, she finds – as an example – meditation nothing, while the following the books should fit her par excellence. Those minutes of sitting still on a pillow, annoyed her at some point, and she didn’t take anything out. It goes without saying that sitting still on a pillow does not do him and meditating in this way will bring you nothing. The philosophy behind it may, but not for Rubin at the moment. Where she leaves open the future about, for example, the item around meditating and that also speaks for the ‘open mind’ that Rubin uses. This typifies the woman who focuses on happiness .

Habits as part of happiness

Space and time positive

The brain is sowork that it wants to have space for new, complicated matters or unexpected things. Take, for example, brushing the teeth or washing the hair. During this moment, you may be busy with other things, such as preparing the things of the new day, making an idea for an article, or making your shopping list in mind. Teeth polishing and washing your hair has become habits, because at some time you have learned it as a child – with all the attention that goes with it – and now it goes as self. You don’t have to think about it anymore.

The laundry list with habits is huge and varies from putting your jacket on to the toilet, getting on the bike and even riding to work or school. But also use your phone, wash your hands or greet your acquaintances. The latter can even go so far that at some point you no longer know who you have greeted all that day. You have been so in mind that you recognize people, greet them, but you do not actually register/stake you. Not always very handy, because greeting is also a moment of attention for the other. But with a busy head, that sometimes catches in and the one you have greeted without attention does not really suffer.

Furthermore, habits also speed up time, because in an unfamiliar environment and with unknown people, every procedure actually takes a little longer. Conversations with new people do not always get going quickly or you even have to think about bringing up conversation material. In new environments you do not know the way and the toilet is sometimes far away or if you want to have a cup of coffee somewhere, you have to look for a tent where they have good coffee.

In contrast, you can often find your way blindly in a familiar environment and talk with well-known often as self. This is also one reason that many people often go to the same environment on holiday or stay in the same place. Habits also give a sense of security.

‘City is stronger than reason.’ by George Santayana


Space and time negative

It goes without saying that it also has a negative side and that has to do with the fact that everything with habits can go very quickly, especially if you do not want this. Some intense moments you don’t want to let go of quickly, like the first weeks with your new child. But when it’s number two or three, there are a lot of things habits and it often goes very fast.

But also the man or woman who has learned to brush their teeth incorrectly and, as the task of the dentist or dental, or get a niste, again – and now well – to learn to brush. Apart from the fact that it is well explained and you undoubtedly get to work seriously, you can still fall into old habits, as soon as something of your mind comes down your head that demands your attention.

These kinds of processes that go naturally, you will now have to make very aware. You have to be constantly alert to the process you are doing. Learning something new is easier than changing an existing habit.

So why happy?

If taking new paths brings you happiness or you like to pick up the unexpected, habits can contribute to your happiness. Your mind will have room to take on new things and make time and space for the unexpected. If you prefer to live on autopilot, because this makes life so much simpler, it can also contribute to happiness in life. It all seems to go by itself. Every person is different and where one picks up the new, the other prefers to live his/her life on autopilot and let life ripple like a pleasant stream in a French valley.

Everyone fills in his/her moments of happiness as it suits him/her (without value judgment), but habits fit into the adventurous and not adventurous life.

Every human being is different

Every person is different, but every person has habits to make happiness (or lack thereof). You give substance to the happiness of life in your own way and that is also very personal. Depending on the type of person you are, habits just as easy or not into the brain.

  • The full-eligee wants to know where he/she is ready. It starts with what is the intention today. What to do, do everything preferably good and not disappoint people. So, in fact, the director. (For other people it is not always easy to meet this image.)
  • The questioner is a very different type of man, for he wonders what needs to be done today and why that is the case. It is not a self-evident to see to what extent something makes sense. (Questions have pros and cons, at some point it may ask too far and you ignore your goal.)
  • The dutiful, the word says it all. This man or woman responds quickly to everything that comes to him/her, but will not quickly bring in the ‘I’ figure. So this person can run by himself without even realizing it. (Renew not to include yourself in the process.)
  • The rebel will, by definition, resist an expectation pattern. Not because it’s thought-out, but to be retarded. They quickly feel things as domination and want to decide everything for themselves. (Sometimes you do something from love and feeling for the other person. As a rebel, this can be a choice.)



We have more habits than we often realize and many are fine. They give you the space you need. Sometimes it is not and then it is important to lose them or to shape them differently. Now and then to reflect on this process, as Rubin does within the happiness framework, is not at all wrong.

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